Faith In a Locker

This adaptation of Psalm 46 is taped inside my locker at work. I usually need the reminder of Who is really in charge. It’s a physical reminder of my faith in God. It also helps to blend my spiritual life into my work life.

I usually read it but the other day I reached in and placed my hand over it.

I felt the cold metal of my locker and the rough texture of the tape. For a few seconds it felt real. This thing I call faith had a form, a shape, something I could touch. A prayer I could touch. I started to think about all of the other things that I touch through out the day and wondered if I could also think of them as a prayer or somehow show my faith in each touch.

A hug given to a friend fighting cancer. Holding my terrified terrier during a thunderstorm. A handshake meeting a new coworker. The food I prepare for our women’s ministry. The kiss I give my husband before he goes to work. The paper texture of the Host during communion.

What I came to realize was that faith and prayer take many forms. I just needed to be open to the possibilities of what that could bring.

My prayer today is that we find our faith in different places and stay open to the possibilities that will come.