Reopening the Church

It’s 2020. So of course the minute we plan to open the church for indoor services the Covid rate soars. People are expressing their reasonable concern about this, and the answer is that we are going to take it one week at a time. 

But in general the only way reopening is going to work is if we cooperate, and my biggest worry is that people will not make reservations for the services. We have to control the numbers in a fair way, and the best way to do that is a reservation system, which members will receive by email next week. If you aren’t on the list, you can’t come to church. That just sounds so harsh to me, but it is the way to keep everyone safe. 

I have tried to compensate for this by having multiple services, trying to accommodate all needs. Please recognize that we want you to come to church, we miss you! And if someone isn’t online, they can call the office and we will make a reservation for you. Just be sure to talk to a person and not just leave a message. 

Of course, if you are sick, or anxious about getting sick, please stay home! We want you to feel comfortable, and if the timing isn’t right for you, that is OK. We will continue to offer the 10:30 service on Facebook Live so you can join us virtually for worship. Please make good choices about staying safe. 

Plan on this as we re-open—plan to make a reservation every week, plan to wear a mask, plan to socially distance in the pews, plan to receive communion only with hosts, plan on not singing, and plan on washing your hands a lot. Which is to say, this will not be going back to the way it was.

And… won’t it be amazing to be back together??!!  Won’t it be such a gift to worship as a congregation in one place??!! Won’t it be a joy to join our voices in prayer??!!  I really can’t wait. 

Please do your part to make this work with a spirit of flexibility and care for all our members and acknowledgement of the blessing this church is in our lives. Thank you!!