Our Annual Meeting is next Sunday

Our Annual Meeting is next Sunday, February 6. We will elect some new people to vestry, and thank the ones who are going off. We will talk about last year’s finances, and pass a budget for 2022. We will hear about the health of the parish, and answer questions that people raise. It is that time we conduct the yearly business of the church, and it is important.

I wish we were meeting in person. We can accomplish the things we are canonically obligated to do on zoom. We did it last year. But zoom has its limits, and it concerns me that people won’t be able to talk to one another, share stories and reconnect. Questions people have been wondering about might not get raised in the interest of expediency or technological struggle. It is important that people know the facts, and not have to guess.

So please try your best to meet together next Sunday. Raise the concerns and celebrate the joys. Do your part to deepen relationships and understanding. Ask your questions, even if they are hard or don’t seem to matter. They do matter. Work to build community. We can get through all things together. We are the Body of Christ. 

If you have any tech questions or need help with zoom, please ask!  Thank you for all you do.