A New Way to Tell Time

When I was on the first half of my sabbatical last year, I broke my fitbit. It wasn’t a tragedy. I tend to get a little OCD when I am measuring myself, and I would get depressed when I didn’t get in enough steps. So I took a break. What I really missed was a watch, but I compensated by asking people constantly what time it was. 

Finally in January I felt ready to start the fitbit journey again, and I bought myself a sleek but cheap model. Keeping track of steps was good, but I couldn’t get the darn thing to tell me the time. I kept doing what I had always done, over and over, weeks turning into months, and it still would not work right. It was driving me crazy. 

Then this morning, randomly, I picked it up a new way and the time flashed on. I did it again the same way and there was the time. I had to laugh. I just hadn’t read the directions. I assumed it would be like the old one. I have been frustrated all this time for nothing. It works perfectly.

How often do we do that, assume we are right, assume we know what we are doing, rely on how we have always done “it”?? God is always doing something new. The world is always becoming more. Opportunities to grow and become are always being offered. We just need to open our eyes and take a few risks. 

God is always inviting you to more!