Finding Intention in Spending

It’s still January for a few more minutes and while I am not a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions, I do appreciate self-examination. So the question today is how does your spending reflect your values?

I started this train of thought because my son is getting married to a wonderful person. As we talked about their wedding plans, it became clear what was important to them. I was moved by their thoughtfulness. I also told them the things that were important to me, and significantly what I was willing to pay for as a contribution to the day.

What I valued was not a surprise to any of us, and I was happy to help in any way with their plans. That is also a value to me- supporting my family, lifting up their priorities, being together. And my credit card charges reflect that. They also reflect other things, like spending time with friends, eating good food, etc.

It isn’t about finding fault or feeling guilty. It’s about intention. It’s about making sure your values are clear to you and the world. Or maybe there is room for some change. You don’t know until you know.

Money is a powerful thing. A valuable tool. It can be used for holy purposes and good work, to build relationships, to support the common good. How do we appreciate its role in our lives and give it only the energy it deserves? Another good thing to reflect on.

I’m sure the upcoming wedding will provide many more opportunities for pondering in the coming months.